Information on the treatment rtt. 13 e 14 of the Regulation (UE) 2016/679 (GDPR)

Dear User,

this information is intended to describe the processing of personal data collected through this site (hereinafter "Site") owned by Donna Tina di Salvatore Capalbi (hereinafter "DONNA TINA").

This information is provided pursuant to art. 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter "GDPR") to users who interact with the web services of the Site (hereafter "Interested"); navigation within the Site is free and does not require any registration, with the exception of some areas where the user can freely and expressly provide a series of data concerning him to access specifically identified services.

Where, therefore, the visitor intends to provide their personal data to access these additional services, there is a specific information on the processing of personal data prepared in order to define the purposes and methods of processing the data of each service by DONNA TINA. With reference to the treatments described therein, the interested party can freely express their consent to the treatment.

We wish to inform you, in fact, that the GDPR provides for the protection of individuals and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data.

According to the legislation, the processing of personal data must be based on the principles of lawfulness, correctness and transparency pursuant to art. 5 of the GDPR.

Pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR, therefore, we provide you with the following information:

1. Holder of the treatment

The data controller is DONNA TINA by Salvatore Capalbi. with registered office in Stigliano (Mt), Contrada Piscicolo, C.A.P. 75018 (hereinafter "Owner").

2. Providing data

Personal data will be acquired directly from the interested party, by:

- direct provision of the same (see the following section "Data voluntarily provided by the user");

- automatic acquisition (see the following sections "Browsing data" and "Cookies" or similar technologies).

If you are under 18 (eighteen) you cannot provide us with any personal data nor can you register on the Site, and in any case we do not assume responsibility for any false statements you provide. If we become aware of the existence of untruthful declarations, we will proceed with the immediate cancellation of any personal data acquired.

3. Types of data

The categories of data indicated below (collectively, the "Data") may be processed:

i) navigation data: the IT systems and software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data (such as IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users, the pages visited and the date / time of the visit) whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes to the detriment of the Site.

ii) Cookies: to make navigation on this Site more efficient and immediate, when users access this Website, cookies are used: small text strings that allow you to keep the connection to the Site.

iii) data provided voluntarily by the user: it is personal data freely released by the user to access certain freely chosen services. Their absence can make it impossible to obtain the requested service. Specific information and requests for consent are shown on the pages of the Site dedicated to the services on request.

4. Purpose of the treatment

Except for specific rules and information for individual initiatives that involve the provision of specific personal data, published from time to time on the Site, the Data are processed for the following purposes:

- manage registrations on the DONNA TINA STORE website and manage activities directly related to registration;

- manage orders, provide products and services, process and manage payments, communicate with the interested party regarding orders, shipments, services and promotional offers.

- prevent or expose fraud or abuse to the detriment of our Site to allow third parties to carry out technical, logistical and other activities on our behalf,

- send administrative information, marketing communications, advertising and promotional initiatives (in paper format, sms, e-mail, etc.), promotional offers, periodic customer satisfaction surveys, market research or quality surveys, coming from the same, by associated, related, controlled, affiliated companies, or by third parties appointed by DONNA TINA;

- analyze your habits or consumption choices in order to offer you an increasingly personalized service in line with your interests and to improve our commercial offer.

5. Communication and dissemination of data

The data collected as part of the provision of the service may be communicated to:

- companies that perform functions strictly connected and instrumental to the operation - also technical - of DONNA TINA's services, such as suppliers that provide services aimed at reviewing and verifying advertisements, suppliers of direct marketing and customer care services, companies that provide archiving, administrative, payment and billing services, companies that provide technical components for the provision of some features of the service;

- freight transport companies, couriers, shipping companies and the like in the freight transport sector;

- credit institutions, to arrange payments or credits;

- administrative and judicial bodies and authorities by virtue of legal obligations;

In no case do we transfer or sell personal data to third parties.

If the Data Controller should entrust the processing operations to third parties, the latter will be appointed for this purpose responsible for the processing pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR, after verifying the compliance of their activity with the provisions on the protection of personal data. The Data Controller will only resort to data processors who present sufficient guarantees to implement adequate technical and organizational measures, so that the treatment meets the requirements of the GDPR and guarantees the protection of the data subject's rights.

6. Mandatory or optional nature of the provision of data

The provision of personal data is mandatory only for the processing necessary for the provision of the services offered by DONNA TINA (any refusal for the purpose of providing the service makes it impossible to use the service itself); it is instead optional for promotional and profiling purposes and any refusal to give consent does not have negative consequences on the provision of the service offered within the Site.

7. Method and duration of treatment

The treatment is carried out through automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, as well as for the additional period that may be necessary to fulfill specific legal obligations.

Except for cases of ascertainment of responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes to the detriment of the Site, the data relating to navigation on the Site will not be kept for more than 30 (thirty) days.

The data may be processed both electronically and on paper.

For analysis purposes aimed at the development and improvement of the service, the user's personal data will be kept for 36 (thirty-six) months.

The data relating to electronic traffic, however excluding the contents of communications, will be kept for a period not exceeding 24 months from the date of communication, pursuant to art. 24 of Law no. 167/2017, which transposed the EU Directive 2017/541 on anti-terrorism.

For direct marketing and profiling purposes, we store your data for a maximum period equal to that provided for by the applicable legislation (respectively equal to 24 (twenty four) and 12 (twelve) months).

Invoices, accounting documents and transaction data are kept for 11 (eleven) years pursuant to the law (including tax obligations).

DONNA TINA guarantees the lawful and correct treatment of the Personal Data provided through the Site, in full compliance with current legislation, as well as the maximum confidentiality of the data provided during registration.

All data are collected according to the indications of the reference legislation, with particular regard to the security measures provided for by art. 32 of the GDPR for their treatment using IT, manual and automated tools and with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated in article 4 and in any case in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.

8. Transfer of data abroad

This Site may share some of the data collected with services located outside the European Union area. In particular with Google, Facebook and Instagram, through social plugins and the Google Analytics service. The transfer is authorized on the basis of specific decisions of the European Union and of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, in particular the decision 1250/2016 (Privacy Shield), for which no further consent is required.

9. Rights of the interested parties

The interested party has the right to ask the Data Controller at any time to access the Data and to correct or cancel them or limit the processing or to oppose their processing and, in any case, he can exercise all the rights against the Data Controller. referred to in Articles 15 ss of the GDPR applicable to him.

The interested party also has the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data or any other competent control authority.

Any request relating to the Data processed by the Data Controller may be sent by email to the following address

10. Review clause

This information may be subject to changes. If substantial changes are made to the use of the User Data by the Owner, the latter will notify the user by publishing them with the utmost evidence on their pages or through alternative or similar means.

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