Grano duro italiano biologico Senatore Cappelli, specialità artigianale trafilata al bronzo 100% made in Italy
Ingredienti: Semola di grano duro biologica, acqua
Varietà Grano: Cappelli
Tempo di cottura medio: 12 minuti
Non contiene OGM
Conservare in luogo fresco, asciutto e al riparo dalla luce.
Produttore: Fattoria Donna Tina - Stigliano (Italy,...
Grano duro italiano biologico Senatore Cappelli, specialità artigianale trafilata al bronzo 100% made in Italy
Ingredienti: Semola di grano duro biologica, acqua
Varietà Grano: Cappelli
Tempo di cottura medio: 11 minuti
Non contiene OGM
Conservare in luogo fresco, asciutto e al riparo dalla luce.
Produttore: Fattoria Donna Tina - Stigliano (Italy,...
Grano duro italiano biologico, specialità artigianale trafilata al bronzo 100% made in Italy
Ingredienti: Semola di grano duro biologica, acqua
Varietà Grano: Selezione di Grani tipici lucani
Tempo di cottura medio: 13 minuti
Non contiene OGM
Conservare in luogo fresco, asciutto e al riparo dalla luce.
Produttore: Fattoria Donna Tina - Stigliano (Italy,...
Grano duro italiano biologico, specialità artigianale trafilata al bronzo 100% made in Italy
Ingredienti: Semola di grano duro biologica, acqua
Varietà Grano: Selezione di Grani tipici lucani
Tempo di cottura medio: 13 minuti
Non contiene OGM
Conservare in luogo fresco, asciutto e al riparo dalla luce.
Produttore: Fattoria Donna Tina - Stigliano (Italy,...
L'olio extravergine di oliva Antiche Terre Fruttato Intenso è ottenuto da un'accurata selezione di olive lucane di cultivar differenti, raccolte secondo l'antica tradizione direttamente sulla pianta al giusto grado di maturazione e spremute entro poche dalla raccolta esclusivamente con procedimenti meccanici a freddo in frantoio con macine in pietra.
Gli oliveti sono coltivati in modo etico e sostenibile secondo un rigoroso disciplinare di produzione tale da salvaguardare il frutto, le piante e l'habitat. Il clima mediterraneo tipico della Collina Materana e il sapiente lavoro dei nostri blendmaster permette di ottenere un olio extravergine di oliva sano, naturale e di altissima qualità che soddisfa anche i palati più esigenti.
Per saperne di più può visitare la pagina del produttore
Dettagli del prodotto
200 Articoli
Scheda tecnica
Biologica, Organic
Eccellenza Italiana
USDA Organic
COR Canada Organic
Altre Specifiche
Filiera Corta Km0 Garantita
Altre Specifiche
100% Made in Italy
Altre Specifiche
Olio prodotto In Italia da olive coltivate in Italia
Olio Extravergine Biologico 100% Italiano, Estratto a Freddo, Fruttato Intenso
Indicato per chi ama il profumo e la fragranza dell’olio appena franto dal sapore intenso con retrogusto piccante.
Olio estratto in italia da olive coltivate in Italia
Ideale per: pesce, carpaccio, insalate o verdure crude. Ottimo per condire bruschette dal gusto intenso e...
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extract, Delicate Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of freshly pressed oil with a sweet taste with some bitter and spicy notes.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: light-flavored dishes. Also excellent on steaming pasta dishes.
Acidity: 0,21-0,35%
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extract, Delicate Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of freshly pressed oil with a sweet taste with some bitter and spicy notes.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: light-flavored dishes. Also excellent on steaming pasta dishes.
Acidity: 0,21-0,35%
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extracted, Intense Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of a genuine, freshly pressed oil with a fresh and lively taste and distinct fruity, bitter and spicy hints.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: vegetable or meat soups with a strong flavour. Excellent on...
Natural Dried Black Olives from Organic Farming, regional Lucanian specialty 100% made in Italy
Ideal for: embellish bring, as an ingredient, for appetizers or appetizers.
Ingredients: Dried Black Olives
It does not contain GMOs, Gluten Free
Store in a cool, dry place away from light.
Producer: Fattoria Donna Tina - Stigliano (Italy, Basilicata)...
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extracted, Intense Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of a genuine, freshly pressed oil with a fresh and lively taste and distinct fruity, bitter and spicy hints.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: vegetable or meat soups with a strong flavour. Excellent on...
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extract, Delicate Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of freshly pressed oil with a sweet taste with some bitter and spicy notes.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: light-flavored dishes. Also excellent on steaming pasta dishes.
Acidity: 0,21-0,35%
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extract, Delicate Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of freshly pressed oil with a sweet taste with some bitter and spicy notes.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: light-flavored dishes. Also excellent on steaming pasta dishes.
Acidity: 0,21-0,35%
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extract, Delicate Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of freshly pressed oil with a sweet taste with some bitter and spicy notes.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: light-flavored dishes. Also excellent on steaming pasta dishes.
Acidity: 0,21-0,35%
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extracted, Intense Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of freshly pressed oil with an intense flavor and spicy aftertaste.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: fish, carpaccio, salads or raw vegetables. Excellent for seasoning bruschetta with an intense and...
Natural Dried Black Olives from Organic Farming, regional Lucanian specialty 100% made in Italy
Ideal for: embellish bring, as an ingredient, for appetizers or appetizers.
Ingredients: Dried Black Olives
It does not contain GMOs, Gluten Free
Store in a cool, dry place away from light.
Producer: Fattoria Donna Tina - Stigliano (Italy, Basilicata)...
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extract, Delicate Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of freshly pressed oil with a sweet taste with some bitter and spicy notes.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: light-flavored dishes. Also excellent on steaming pasta dishes.
Acidity: 0,21-0,35%
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extracted, Intense Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of a genuine, freshly pressed oil with a fresh and lively taste and distinct fruity, bitter and spicy hints.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: vegetable or meat soups with a strong flavour. Excellent on...
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extract, Delicate Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of freshly pressed oil with a sweet taste with some bitter and spicy notes.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: light-flavored dishes. Also excellent on steaming pasta dishes.
Acidity: 0,21-0,35%
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extracted, Intense Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of freshly pressed oil with an intense flavor and spicy aftertaste.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: fish, carpaccio, salads or raw vegetables. Excellent for seasoning bruschetta with an intense and...
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extracted, Intense Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of freshly pressed oil with an intense flavor and spicy aftertaste.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: fish, carpaccio, salads or raw vegetables. Excellent for seasoning bruschetta with an intense and...
100% Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Extracted, Intense Fruity
Suitable for those who love the scent and fragrance of freshly pressed oil with an intense flavor and spicy aftertaste.
Oil extracted in Italy from olives grown in Italy
Ideal for: fish, carpaccio, salads or raw vegetables. Excellent for seasoning bruschetta with an intense and...